

皇冠体育app承认其学生也在武装部队(预备役)服役 & 国民警卫队士兵(完全入学或非盟兼职), 以下简称“学生服务会员”,可能需要在学期期间履行军事义务. 这些义务可能包括预定的培训和/或意外的动员, 包括救灾或战时部署. 这项政策涵盖了支持这些学生的学术程序.

Instructors should work with student service members so that they are not penalized for meeting their military obligations. 所有学生服务人员必须参加全年的强制性军事训练, 可能与课程会议时间冲突. These students and their instructors should work together to make arrangements to meet the learning outcomes of the course by making up missed coursework through alternate assignments if needed. The student is responsible for discussing with the instructor during the first week of the semester any scheduled mandatory military training conflicts. These include the potential for additional mandatory training to be assigned on short notice after the course has begun. The instructor and the student should determine if reasonable arrangements can be made to complete the course work.

一般, students should plan their academic schedules around courses that will not conflict with their mandatory military training; however, 在某些情况下,这可能是不可行的. Prescheduled absences due to mandatory military training should not exceed more than 1/5 of the course meetings for any course without the instructor’s permission. 请注意,任何预先安排的服务时间未在强制性演习时间表(i.e. 特殊军事课程和学校)将计入1/5缺勤上限. Documentation must be in the form of military orders or equivalent documents and provided to the Alfred University 军事 and 学术的教练, 所有非盟学生服务人员都被分配到他们的办公室.

Student service members may have unanticipated obligatory military activities which cause them to be absent from class for a short but sustained period of time, 30天以内, 在课程期间. 这些缺勤可能包括救灾或其他州或国家紧急情况的命令. 这种缺勤时间从几天到几周不等, 根据任务的类型,学生服务人员被分配. 这些缺勤被称为“借口缺勤”,,这意味着缺席, 有适当的文件, 不受处罚吗. These unanticipated absences will not be counted towards the already scheduled 1/5 mandatory military training cap (see above). 任何遗漏的课程可以通过教师和学生之间的协议补课. 辅导员应承担,由于职责的性质, 学生在缺课期间将无法完成课程作业.


  • Make-up assignments arranged by the instructor and student to allow the student the opportunity to catch up without falling behind in the current course work.
  • Requests to get missed work in advance of leaving in order to reduce the amount of missed work upon returning. 另外, 学生可在返回校园后要求补交所有遗漏的作业.
  • 学生回来后, 教师应提供适当的时间来完成作业. 如果需要扩展, 教师和学生将讨论什么是合适的时间框架.
  • 在某些情况下, for absences beyond the scheduled 1/5 cap it may be appropriate for the student to take an “I” (Incomplete) or “W” (Withdrawal). The student and instructor will adopt a plan based on course objectives and the best opportunities for student success. This proposed plan will be registered with the AU 军事 and 学术的教练 as early as possible. 因为不完整的成绩会影响学生的GI法案学费福利, students should consult with the AU 军事 and 学术的教练 or GI Bill certifying official before requesting an incomplete grade.

在较长时间军事活动或部署的情况下, the student service member must consult with their academic advisor and the AU 军事 and 学术的教练, who will coordinate with instructors to determine the best course of action based on the length of absence and percentage of the term completed. 下面列出了一些解决方案. 在所有情况下, it should be assumed that Long Term Leaves of Absence will prohibit students from completing any coursework.

  • 完成课程作业的另一种方法, 包括在线参与, 是否适合已注册的学生, 已经完成了大部分课程, 并希望完成课程. 这样的课程作业应该由学生和老师达成一致, 并在非盟军事和学术教练处注册.
  • An incomplete is appropriate for students who have completed at least a quarter of the course, 但由于军事活动或部署,必须长期休假. 这个学生的目的是完成这门课程, 但是他们在学期结束前是做不到的. 如果学生选择获得“I”(不完整), the student and instructor will adopt a plan of action to complete the course prior to departure, 哪些学生将在非盟军事和学术教练处注册. The student will have until the end of the succeeding semester to complete assigned coursework unless the plan requires a longer term. 无论成绩如何,学生将承担课程的经济责任. 因为不完整的成绩会影响学生的GI法案学费福利, students should consult with the AU 军事 and 学术的教练 or GI Bill certifying official before requesting an incomplete grade.
  • If the student elects to take a withdrawal from the course due to military service after the semester’s drop deadline they will receive a “W” mark and will be able to retake the course upon reentry to the university once returning from military service.
  • If the student leaves at a point in the semester after which a significant amount of work has been submitted, 学生可以要求对完成的课程时数进行评分. 这个选择需要导师和学院院长的同意.
  • Alfred University finds appropriate to grant a leave-of-absence from AU for students who are activated or deployed to military service before the term has begun. 此假将提交给学生所在学院的院长. 将遵循标准的请假程序. 重新入学后,学生将遵循学院的重新入学程序. 军事 & 学术教练将包括在通知中.

Student service members are responsible for consulting with all their instructors before the semester commences regarding any scheduled or possible absences due to military service. This information will be submitted in written form which acknowledges an understanding of policy and the situation between the student and instructor. 学生将向非盟军事和学术教练提供他们的训练时间表. 学生还必须在缺课前一周提醒老师. 如果学生因军事活动或部署而被叫走, the student must provide a copy of their orders to the AU 军事 and 学术的教练 as soon as possible. The student must make prior arrangements with each of their instructors and a plan of action regarding any missed work. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the agreed upon work within the agreed upon timeline that was set by them and the instructor. 如果学生没有按照时间表完成作业, 处罚可能包括不及格.

The course instructor is responsible for arranging a plan of action with the student service member that will best satisfy the course requirements and learning objectives, 同时努力给学生充分的机会完成课堂作业, 包括补习作业. 此计划应在非盟军事和学术教练处注册, 谁可以要求澄清. The instructor will be supported by the AU 军事 and 学术的教练 when students deviate from the plan of action.

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